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The Most High ​has awakened ​ what?

Hear the voice and heart of ​our father in heaven. seek ​him now!

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We all have so many questions in these last days and ​there are even more voices speaking into our life. ​The goal of this podcast is to FOCUS our everything ​on seeking the Most High while he may be found ​and calling on him while he is near.

For as many as are led by the Spirit of our Heavenly ​Father, they are his sons and daughters. WE MUST ​have the SPIRIT OF THE MOST HIGH teach us how ​to be victorious over our enemies who are hiding in ​plain sight. Keep your eyes on the Most High. He is ​your redemption. LET’S GO!


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Latest Episode

Your Loving Support is Appreciated

In this episode of the Now This Podcast, we ​discuss how love gifts, tithes, and donations go ​a long way in the kingdom of the Most High. We ​discover what the Most High has requested that ​we do to please him with our provisions.

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NOW this


Hi ​Beloved

Clubhouse Icon. Wave Hand, Hello, Hi, Bye, Goodbye, Hey


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Episode 01

Greetings of Joyful Tidings

Hi there Beloved! In this podcast, I introduce ​myself and expound on the vision of this ​podcast while sprinkling it with ​encouragement.

Episode 03

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Getting excited!

Episode 04

Episode Pending...


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About ​the host

Charlene Strosahl

Daughter of the Most High

I am NoT...


A christian, 'hebrew israelite', catholic, morman, jw, atheist, agnostic, muslim, or any of the like.


A part of any religious church, institution, camp or such like.




A goddess; black girl power/ magic; boss babe/lady; goat; doyenne; diva; girl boss; shero; mean girl; feminazi; mermaid, black lives matter or the like.

A psychic, medium, witch, agent of darkness, spiritualist, spiritual mother/coach/vampire, spiritual healer, sorcerer or any of the like.

A preacher, teacher, 'ministry'

holder, 'truth teller', WOG, fallen angel, humanitarian, or advocate.

i am...


A daughter of the Most High of the ​bloodline of his children.

Simply Chosen and fears only the Most High.


Not my own but of my Heavenly ​Father who sends me.


A vessel of the Most High to help ​deliver his people from the hand ​of the enemy.


A mother who answers to my ​husband who answers to our King, ​son of the Most High, who answers ​to the Most High.


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You are ​not ​alone

Send in your

prayer ​request & ​praise ​reports!


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Silhouette of Unrecognizable Male Salvation Prayer